Learn how Using Log & Lumber Tags can Help Your Company!
P.O. Box 1518  |  36 Hall Road  |  Dudley, MA 01571  |  Toll Free: 800-332-8247  |  Fax: 508-943-0185
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Learn the Methods That Log, Sawmill and Lumber Companies Are Using to Improve Their Inventory Control and Tracking Programs

(Taken from our Recent Survey of Dozens of Log,
Sawmill and Lumber Companies in the US and Canada)

You can compare having an outdated or poor Inventory Control and Tracking program with using a dull saw blade - both are a sure way to slow down your profits.

Learn Ways to Improve an Inventory Control and Tracking Program

Here's what one company we work with had to say about using Barcode tags on the thousands of logs they work with:

Andis Logging, who uses our Barcode Log Tags,
Custom 2-Part Log Tracking Inventory TagQuote/Info Request for Log, Sawmill or Lumber Tags.had this to say about how well they work:

"It totally changed our the yard they know
exactly what
they're doing ...before they would go out with
a wasn't real exact. You turned things around for us.
Everyone in the industry should use it [Barcode Log Tags]." 

Sami Ragsdale, Office Manager, Andis Logging, Inc.

Our company has been providing Tags and Labels to many industries for over 80 years. When we develop a solid cost savings idea we test it to see if it will advance Inventory Control and Tracking in the Log, Sawmill and Lumber industry.

How One Company Saved Money By Reviewing Their Label Program

Sometimes outdated specifications are being used to order Tags or Labels for Controlling and Tracking Inventory. Sometimes these jobs can be produced more efficiently - that means dollars saved.

One Company's Story

A large purchaser of Labels let us review their specifications for printing their Labels. Our people make it a point to stay up on the latest methods - and were able to recommend a more efficient way to produce these Labels.

The Result: We were able to save them close to $ 3,000.00 (a healthy share of their total cost) while maintaining the same quality level of finished product.

Other Places to Look to Improve an Inventory Control and Tracking Program
  1. Does your Barcode Tag have a protective surface to prevent dirt & dust damage and make reading Barcodes easier and more accurate?
  2. If you are using Hammer Type Tags, have you compared the cost savings that other companies report getting by using Staple on Tags? Click this button to learn more: Comparison of Staple-On Tags and Hammer Type Tags
  3. If you want to increase the durability of Staple on Tags, have you tried any of the new tougher materials available?
  4. Are there other functions available with the software you are using that will give you more control and potential profits in your Inventory Control and Tracking? Examples are Purchase orders, Order Entry, Export General Ledger and Payments and Adjustments.
  5. Are you using the functions in your Inventory Control and Tracking program to give you the data to make the best management decisions on what to sell and when?
Log, Sawmill and Lumber Companies First Added Inventory Control and Tracking Programs to Improve Efficiency and Profits....But It Didn't Stop There

Our recent survey of nearly three dozen companies - large and small in the U.S. and Canada - told us that many companies have continued to innovate. They've added tested ideas to key areas like Barcode Tags and Labels, Software, and Scanners.

The Result - many companies have actually increased their efficiency, made better selling decisions, and reduced costs.

So, It's likely you can do the same - see our Survey on this Website - or call or Email us or Click the "Quote/Info" button to request information or a quote.Quote/Info Request for Log, Sawmill and Lumber Tags.
Log & Lumber Tags Survey ResultsUniversal Tag, Inc. is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Printer in Dudley MA

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Universal Tag, Inc.
Toll Free: 1-800-332-8247
Phone: 508-949-2411 - Fax: 508-943-0185
36 Hall Road - P.O. Box 1518
Dudley, MA 01571-1518

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