Inventory Control Ideas of Large Log, Sawmill and Lumber companies
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Gains From Inventory Control Methods Used by Some Large Logging, Sawmill and Lumber Companies

- from our Industry Survey -

Our Survey Included Log Tags and Labels, Barcode Tags, Numbered Tags, Scanners and Software Use

We spoke with some of the larger Logging, Saw mill and Lumber companies to find some of the industry's most effective, profit yielding methods of Inventory Control.

The companies we spoke with are spread across the U.S. And Canada, some with over 100 employees and 30 locations.

A Summary of The Inventory Control Methods Used by Large Companies
Comments From 7 Large Logging, Sawmill and Lumber Companies

A few of the companies below are also described in other Survey pages in the categories – “Companies Using an Inventory System” and in “Companies Using a Manual Inventory System.”


1. A Company with 30 Locations Selling in the U.S. And Canada
A company selling in the U.S., and Canada with over 30 locations uses an Inventory Control System with Bar Coded Tags and Scanners. They haven't found any shortcomings to this system.


2. A Logging and Lumber Company with Over 150 Employees
Another large company with over 150 employees said they are using Tags, and an Inventory Control System with software to control their Lumber inventory. They said this system is helping them to keep better track of their inventory.

Their Logging inventory is tracked using a hand held Tally System, which they enter daily into their computer. They plan to upgrade this to an Inventory Control System with a computer.

3. A Company with 10 Locations Using Markers
A large company with 10 locations is currently doing their inventory control by hand using markers. They are interested in looking at new alternatives.

4. A Company with 4 Locations
A large company with 4 locations is using Bar Coded Tags and a Computer Software System for controlling inventory. They said this helps them meet the specifications of the paper mills they deal with. They find that using color coding is important, along with coatings on their Tags, and mentioned the importance of having Tags made with strong material.


5. Another Large Company with a Computer Software System
Another large company is using Tags and a Computer Software System with Scanners. They are satisfied with this method and said that “they are happy with the service and product” (Tags) and in the “normal run of their business they have no problems.” Durability of the tags is important to them as well.


6. A Company with Over 100 Employees
One large company with over 100 employees uses Tags, Scanners and a Software program to keep track of their inventory.

They said that when they switched from Hammer Tags to Staple on Tags it “advanced the whole department.” They said that they are able “to get more work done with less man hours.”

They can input everything directly into the Software system which automatically determines the batches for mixing. Previously, when they used Hammer Tags they had to to do this by hand.

They said that switching from Hammer Tags to Staple on Tags has meant that it's “a whole lot easier for the guys to put the tags on and they stay on through the whole process.”


7. A Company with 3 Locations Selling in the U.S. and Overseas
A large company with 3 locations selling in the U.S. and overseas is using Tags, Scanners and a Computer Software Program. They said that they also tested a new “Picture Tally” Inventory Control method. The system creates a picture of the inventory bundle and that's used with a Tag that they print out. This program captures the image and collects the data as well.

They said the system has been a great advantage for them in keeping track of inventory and being able to give customers an accurate image of exactly what was shipped. They haven't used Bar Codes with their Tags, which they said they may eventually use, since it appears that this will add another advantage to their system.
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